Tournament Application

Zac Dockter
District VP Tournaments
(612) 735-9703
Invitational Tournament Application Process
- Complete the MN Hockey Sanctioned Tournament application
- Based on number of classifications/USA Hockey teams out of state/International teams, calculate amount due.
- Application MUST be signed by association president
- Tournament Coordinator contact information must be legible
- Submit the completed application package via mail to the D8 Tournament Coordinator. Complete package includes:
- Completed tournament application
- Check made payable to MN Hockey
- Tournament brackets (teams are NOT required to be filled in), Which must include ice times/dates to assure compliance with the "Rest Rule"
- Tournament rules
- D8 Tournament Coordinator will review your package for accuracy. Any discrepancies identified will be pushed back to the submitting tournament coordinator to be addressed. If errors in submitting the package cause the sanctioning process to be late (less than 21 days) then the applicable late fees will be applies. For this reason it is highly recommended that sanctioning package are submitted well in advance of the deadline. Tournament formats can always be modified after sanctioning if necessary due to changes in team participation or ice schedule changes (with approval from D8 Tournament Director).
- Once approved, D8 Tournament Coordinator will forward to MN Hockey for final approval. Upon MN Hockey Final approval, it will be posted to the MN Hockey website (Sanctioned Tournaments) and you must have a copy of the application in your arena throughout the duration of the tournament.
Required rules:
There are only 4 mandatory rules you MUST include in your rules:
- USA Hockey referees will be used
- Medical attendants will be provided for each game.
- USAH rules as modified by MH for the classification involved must be adopted.
- Canadian teams must wear protective gear as designated by CAHA.
Rules can be in place which are more stringent than USAH/MH/D8, however, all rules will be reviewed to ensure there are no direct violations of USAH/MH/D8 rules.
If have questions please e-mail them with your contact information to the District 8 Tournament Coordinator(
Send Sanctioning Form, Rules, Brackets and Check to:
Zac Dockter D8 Tournament Director
9503 78th St S
Cottage Grove, MN 55016