New to Hockey

Did you hear about the sport from a friend or neighbor and want to find out more?
First, you're in the right spot. We offer programs for boys and girls at the youth level as well as high school aged players.
If you have a child that is interested in hockey regardless of age, or program, have them check out one of our free intro to hockey resources located in the right-hand column. Our site has a tremendous amount of info so please read through the information on the pide tab. Can't find what you are looking for? Just email us and we'll be happy to chat with you.
Hockey is one of the fastest growing youth sports in the country right now. Don't worry if your kid has never played, our high-level coaches and practice environment will allow them to learn how to skate and stickhandle in no time. A lot of kids have only picked up a hockey stick in the last year to two, and every year we add more new kids to our program.
Congratulations! You've joined a unique club, and you're now officially a hockey mom or dad within District 8!
With over 65 years of experience in providing youth hockey programs in the state of Minnesota, District 8 is dedicated to ensuring you have all the necessary information and support to get started in hockey and make the most of your child's hockey journey.
Pure Hockey stands out as one of the foremost and largest champions of the game of hockey. With multiple locations throughout the Twin Cities, they possess a wealth of expertise in all things related to hockey equipment and fitting guides, as well as an exceptional Learn to Play Hockey program.
Whether you're looking to begin your journey in the world of hockey or seeking guidance on equipment and proper fitting, Pure Hockey is your trusted ally. They are committed to assisting you in taking your first steps in this extraordinary sport, widely regarded as the greatest game on earth.
To support your hockey journey, you'll find a range of invaluable resources below, each designed to walk you through every step of the process.