Player Waivers
Player waivers are considered for a variety of reasons but must align with one of the two designated waivers in accordance with Minnesota Hockey guidelines.
School Attendance Waivers allow players the ability to waive into a MH Association (outside of their Association as determined by residence) whose boundaries incorporate the school in which the player is enrolled and playing.
**This waiver occurs prior to the player' s first year of Squirts and/ or 10U level.**
Discretionary Waivers allow Associations and Districts to address unique and/or extraordinary circumstances on an individual case-by-case basis as they may arise.

Rich Rackness
District Director
651-455-1725(H) 651-246-0163(C)
- The waiver request form is filled out by the parents/ legal guardian.
- Submit the waiver request form to the releasing (home) association registrar who will work with President (or designee) for consideration.
- Submit the approved form to the accepting association President (or designee) for approval.
- Your home association will need a copy of the approved waiver, once finalized and stamped, prior to rostering.
- If the player is moving between districts, the releasing District Director must sign the form before it moves to the accepting association for approval.
- For questions, contact your home association registrar for assistance.