District 8 Referee Information

USA Hockey is committed to creating a safe and fair environment for all participants. Respect for the game, opponents, coaches, and officials is a critical part of that environment and it covers several different aspects of sportsmanship and fair play. This Declaration of Safety, Fair Play and Respect will guide a change in culture as to what is considered to be acceptable/unacceptable body checking and competitive contact at all levels of play.
The Declaration clarifies and updates existing rules/definitions to emphasize the key points to more clearly outline what is deemed acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Below is a link to full USA Hockey article and video examples that shows actions deemed "acceptable" and "unacceptable" to help illustrate expected behavior.
Before examining and understanding USA Hockey’s Declaration of Player Safety, Fair Play and Respect you have to keep in mind one thing, Guy Gosselin says:
“There’s been no change to the rules.”
When it comes to body checking and body contact, the rules of the game are the same as they’ve been for awhile.
The culture around contact, however, is what’s being changed.
“When kids get to a certain age they ask, ‘Can we hit?’” said Gosselin, a regional manager for USA Hockey’s American Development Model. “When that happens, the focus is on running around and banging players. This model is about skill development and puck possession — the way the game is being played today.”
Click the register link below to apply to referee District 8 hockey.
Important Information to Note:
- The act of completing and submitting the application does not guarantee admission into District 8.
- Must be age 15 or older (prior to end of this calendar year 12/31) to officiate District 8 hockey.
- USA Hockey certification must be completed and District 8 application submitted by 12/1.
New and Existing Officials - Reaching out and networking is very important tool in attempts of getting assigned additional games to officiate. Although no guarantees, if you are interested in working additional locations click here to contact local association referee supervisors/assigners to inquire about working games for the association.